PanelAbode™ Insulation
PanelAbode™ technology is available on all of our insulated dog houses.
Our Climate Master and Climate Master Plus Series dog and cat houses feature a thick layer of premium foam insulation, the same type of insulation commonly used to insulate basements in homes. We use CFC-free insulation made in Canada - nobody knows insulation better than Canadians! Our insulation layer is thick, up to 1 1/2 inches.
Most competitors' "premium" houses feature a layer with 1/4" polyethylene foam sandwiched between thin layers of reflective foil. While the foil layers do help reflect home heat, they greatly exaggerate the true value of this form of insulation. For insulation to be effective, it must trap a significant layer of air. The 1/4" polyethylene just doesn't provide enough depth to trap much air. Furthermore, the design of these houses typically result in the insulation layer being compressed or pinched at most major parts joints, and punctured by literally hundreds of nails, staples or screws, thereby breaking the integrity of the insulation membrane. Some brands insulate only the walls despite the fact that most heat is lost through the roof and most cold is transferred to your pet through the floor. Many houses have large gaps between the framing and the insulation allowing large voids which reduce insulation effectiveness. Of course, lesser quality houses have no insulation at all! Moreover, our thicker insulation provides better noise reduction so sounds will not disturb your pet.
Most plastic houses have no insulation at all. They are dangerous in the summer and frigid in the winter as PVC plastic has poor thermal characteristics.
Our insulation layer is laminated between a layer of ultra-strong engineered wood and a 1/4 inch mahogany liner to create a structural panel that is unbelievably strong. The insulation is fully protected so your pets cannot damage it. Furthermore, our design ensures that the insulation membrane is never pinched or punctured by nails, staples, or screws.

No gimmicks - just good insulation!

If you have any questions about our PanelAbode™ insulation system, please do not hesitate to contact us toll free at 1-877-374-2695.